Goals and Benefits of Membership
Promote the wines, vineyards and culture of the region to media, trade, and the public
Increase appeal and prestige of Yorkville Highlands wines and vineyards, enhancing sales
Grow distinct recognition of the Yorkville Highlands appellation in retail shops and wine lists
Enhance collaboration and sharing of resources, knowledge, and ideas to address shared challenges (e.g., wildfire impacts, vineyard disease, retail traffic) and leverage opportunities (e.g., grants, joint response to regulatory requirements) to the benefit of members
Support the greater good of the Yorkville Highlands community and economy
Remain true to the values and lifestyle of the region
Grower & Vintner member benefits
Increased brand recognition for the Yorkville Highlands as a unique, sought-after appellation.
Collective engagement and attraction of trade, writers, and buyers to the area, including coordinated visits and tastings at vineyards and wineries and hosting of visitors.
Improved search engine ranking and visibility for the Yorkville Highlands
Enhanced Yorkville Highlands and member buzz on social media
Location on YHGVA map and visibility on website (profile, buzz, and more)
Knowledge sharing via emerging issues forums for both growers and vintners
Member-only access to resources and updates on timely issues
Connection to potential buyers, via future website posting platform for grape sales
A voice in furthering the goals of the Association (voting)
Associate member benefits
Connection to YH winery and grower members, via association engagement
Visibility on YHGVA website and ability to expand business network
Collaborative engagement with the winegrower industry
Ability to attend association meetings and functions
Promote business connections
A voice in furthering the goals of the Association (non-voting)